Meet Summize and discover a different approach to CLM

Join Summize and over 2,500 legal professionals at ACC Nashville and get an exclusive demo of our AI-powered CLM solution.

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Nashville, Tennessee
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October 6th-9th

Explore Summize at ACC Nashville

See us on booth 606 - dive into a live demo, chat with our CLM experts, and test your luck in our booth game and competition - prizes to be announced!

Stop by to collect some SWAG and listen in as our team answers all your questions about:

  • Contract Lifecycle Management
  • AI in legal tech / CLM
  • CLM readiness and implementation
  • Contract management ecosystems and integrations
  • Customer success stories for CLM
  • Building a business case for tech investment
And more!

Try your chances at our booth competition

Head over to see the Summize team on booth 606 and try your chances in our booth competition.

Aim for your integration - one of the tools you and your business use everyday - and if you land on your selection....? You will be entered into our prize draw!

At ACC, spin the wheel and good luck!

Contract lifecycle management ecosystem with Summize

What is a Decentralized CLM?

Embedded experiences

Whether its Teams, Slack, Salesforce, Outlook or Jira, we allow users to originate legal processes from wherever they are most comfortable working. This unique approach creates a digital thread spanning all contract interactions, giving legal the tools they need to set guardrails, centralise contract storage and manage the workload, while empowering business stakeholders to generate approved contracts quicker. Stop by and we’ll show you a demo!

Can’t wait? Book a demo in advance

Latest from Summize

Hot off the press! Summize just released its latest integration with Outlook, continuing the momentum of world-first innovations by putting your contract requests processes directly in the inbox.

Tom Dunlop, CEO at Summize said: “The Outlook integration is the most exciting thing to come out of our R&D lab this year. We truly believe this innovation closes a workaround gap that exists in every other Contract Lifecycle Management solution on the market. We’ve designed it with the user experience at the core – it’s not just a plug-in integration, it’s a fully immersive, embedded experience within your Outlook mailbox."