On-demand webinar: Humans of Legal Tech
How did the idea of Summize first come to mind and how did it come into fruition as one of the leading CLM solutions on the market? Discover the answers in our on-demand webinar.
- Why Tom moved from an in-house General Counsel to a legal tech founder
- What it takes to create a product from an idea
- How Summize evolved into a CLM
- What problem is Summize ultimately trying to solve and is it solving it?
- Which Legal Departments would benefit from Summize?
Enjoy a sneak preview of our on-demand webinar

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Technology may be changing the way in-house legal teams and legal professionals carry out their everyday tasks, but it’s the humans behind the tech that are really transforming the way legal professionals operate.
This is what we delved into in our recent webinar with In-House Connect.
As part of In-house Connect’s recent webinar series “Humans of LegalTech”, Summize’s CEO and Founder Tom Dunlop joined IHC’s Shai Menai to discuss the origins and early ideas about Summize.
Throughout the series, Shai is getting to know the humans behind the technology and exploring just when the lightbulb moment happened. and how that original idea has progressed into what is a leading, global CLM solution today.
In our episode, you will learn about the humans behind Summize, all via questions such as:
- What first got Tom interested in a legal career and why he made the move into LegalTech
- When did Tom have the brainwave about Summize and how did he get started
- Where did the name Summize come from
- What problem is Summize ultimately trying to solve and is it solving it?
- Which Legal Departments would benefit from Summize?
Fill out the form above to access the episode on-demand and get inspired by the people behind the legal tech innovations.
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